HI-ACT Policy Report: Unlocking the power of hydrogen integration for the UK’s future energy systems

HI-ACT works to support key policymakers in making informed decisions on the future of hydrogen. Our academics regularly engage with both political and industry stakeholders to ensure a collaborative and effective approach to their research. Most recently, HI-ACT hosted a policy workshop to discuss the challenges and opportunities across the political and economic landscape, and scenarios in which repurposing does and does not go ahead. These discussions have subsequently fed into this report.

Interpreting and deliberating Hydrogen Visions: HI-ACT synthesis report

Hydrogen and Alternative Liquid Fuels (HALFs) aim to replace fossil fuels across industries. Challenges like technology readiness persist despite their versatility. Hydrogen serves as an energy carrier and storage medium for various sectors but concentrating its infrastructure raises concerns about local impacts. Evaluating these changes involves considering universal values and community-specific perceptions. Understanding community responses to hydrogen integration requires attention to psychological and social evaluations. The report discusses hydrogen visions, community perceptions, deliberative approaches, and suggests ethnographic methods to bridge interpretive community differences.

HI-ACT: Briefing paper on Whole Energy Systems with a focus on Hydrogen Integration

Completed in late 2023 and presented at the Royal Society roundtable event on Hydrogen 23-24th Jan 2024, HI-ACT’s briefing paper on Whole Energy Systems Integration & Hydrogen has now been made available to view here. The paper gives a definition and overview of the Whole Energy Systems approach, outlines the methods used in a Whole Energy Systems approach and then explores how to include Hydrogen within Whole Energy Systems modelling.

Following the Hydrogen roundtable event, further engagement between HI-ACT and the Royal Society team has been requested. Professor Sara Walker and colleagues will continue to support and inform policymakers in shaping the future Hydrogen landscape of the UK

HI-ACT response for the DESNZ consultation call: The Need and Design for a Hydrogen-to-Power Market Intervention

This response was completed and published in February 2024 in response to DESNZ’s Consultation on the Need, and Design, for a Hydrogen to Power Market Intervention. The full response has been made available to view here.

Review of UK Hydrogen Policy Landscape

This publication reviews the hydrogen policy landscape in the UK.  Focus is given to the UK demand outlook for hydrogen, key policy interventions are summarised alongside forward-looking decisions to facilitate the development of a hydrogen economy.