HI-ACT Secondments

Flex Fund Secondment Call

The HI-ACT flexible funding secondment call is available for HI-ACT researchers or industry partners to co-create research, to support in accelerating research into systems integration of hydrogen for the future net-zero energy transition through co-creation.

Academic researchers (internal) and partners (external) can undertake secondments of up to three months at partner institutions (both academic and non-academic) within the consortium.


This is an open and rolling call for secondment proposals. The first deadline for submission is the 13th December 2024 and applicants can apply anytime from 22nd July 2024. We reserve the right to close the call early depending on the number of successful applicants. Three further submission deadlines are planned over the 5-year duration of the Hub (dates to be posted on the HI-ACT website).

To be considered, you must:

  • be based at a UK organisation
  • meet individual eligibility criteria
  • be able to deliver the work between 1 September 2024 and 31 May 2025 (exact end date dependant on project start date)

Projects can be costed to support up to 3 months for a secondee, plus suitable travel and subsistence costs at 100% full economic cost (fEC). We will fund 80% of the eligible full economic cost (fEC). The total fund available is around £30,000 per year @ 100% fEC. We would generally expect individual flexible fund applications to request funding of no more that £10,000 (100% fEC).

What we’re looking for

The overall purpose of the secondment funding opportunity is to support skills development and knowledge exchange between academia and industry, public and third sector in the integration of hydrogen and future energy use.

Applicants will introduce new skills, technology, disciplines, or partners to the HI-ACT Hub consortium.


The Centre for Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions (HI-ACT) is a £12.5m EPSRC funded research hub led by University of Birmingham in England, which aims to drive forward the design of a hydrogen integration plan for the UK’s energy system to help progress the UK’s transition to net-zero

Who can apply?

The overall grant will be awarded to the home organisation to support the secondment to the host organisation.

For industry secondments, the grant will be awarded to the host (academic) organisation. The applicant must have arranged the secondment with the host organisation before submitting an application.


Secondment funding can support secondments from academic research institutions to industry, business, governmental bodies or third sector organisations, as well as supporting non-academics wanting to work with academia.

More Information

For further information regarding our secondment call, please access the call document here.


To check your eligibility, or any further queries please contact HI-ACT@ncl.ac.uk.

Online Submissions

Submit your proposal here


Find our EDI form here